Samstag, 16. September 2017


elaborate - ausarbeiten, vervollkommnen, näher ausführen
elicit - entlocken, hervorrufen, eruieren, auslösen, hervorlocken
extraordinary - außergewöhnlich, ungemein, außerplanmäßig
eloquent - redegewandt, wortgewandt, eloquent
eradicate - ausrotten, ausmerzen, mit der Wurzel ausreißen
effluent - abfließend, ausfließend, ausströmend

endzeitstimmung - german word for a feeling as if the end of the world would be looming. you know that this is of course not really the case but it feels like the end of something. like a company, a project, an end that had not been anticipated that dramatically or is more depressing than one had thought it would be.

Dienstag, 20. September 2016

places worth eating @ Berlin

Restaurant Sarah Wiener
Invalidenstraße 50-51
10557 Berlin
Fon: (030) 70 71 36 50

Restaurant in the building of the also great-to-visit modern art museum "Hamburger Bahnhof"
good food by one of Germany's well known chefs, a bit pricy but worth the treat. 
when it is warm outside you can sit alongside the river Spree and watch the tourist boats go by while the sparrows steal some breadcrumbs from your table.
Have to have: Warm Apple Strudel with vanilla sauce and some home made ice cream 

Montag, 12. September 2016

european earth worms invade america

Did you know that the famous and loved earth worms of Europe were not present in north-east America before they were recently introduced as fishing baits?
There were earth worms in America quite some time ago, before the ice age came and killed them all. Now, the introduced earth worms disrupt some ecosystem relationships altering the species composition.
Read more about this here.

places to have a drink @ Berlin

Donnerstag, 1. September 2016

Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2016


clarity, clear arrangement, clearness

countenance [face, form., poet.], face, visage [poet.]

Dienstag, 19. Juli 2016


to lurk - lauern, herumschleichen, belauschen
quirk - Schrulle, Speen, Eigenart; Macke, Marotte
murk - Dunkelheit, Düsternis

superflous - überflüssig, gegenstandslos

idiosyncratic - eigentümlich, eigenartig, eigenwillig
whimsical - wunderlich, seltsam, verrückt
quixotic - edelmütig, fantastisch, schwärmerisch, überspannt